

Monday, March 10, 2014

Smithsonian Institutes for Summer 2014

The two Smithsonian Institutes for Summer 2014 have been scheduled and planning is under way.

June 23 - 27, 2014:
Smithsonian Institute III - Teaching English/Language Arts (ELA) with Music, Drama, and the Arts

The first one will focus on the integration of art, drama and music into the curriculum. According to Wally Mertes, the coordinator from the Smithsonian, Herman, Dovie, Russ, Karen and Oran will be returning as presenters.

Oran will lead a variety of session on using drama in the classroom. His presentations will be based on "The Tale of Despereaux". You will receive a copy of the book and some related objects as a participant.

According to Wally, some of the activities are as follows:
  • Herman will provide Social Studies content aligned with the standards that Karen will use as the basis for art activities.
  • Dovie will do storytelling and using stories and songs in the classroom, relating to specific ELA standards.
  • Butch Thunderhawk will share strategies and techniques for teaching tribal arts to elementary-aged children.
  • Russ will review foldables, some Reader's Theater and two voice poems, and more.

July 28 - August 1, 2014:
Smithsonian Institute IV - Science and Technology Integration

 A geologist well be presenting hands-on object-based activities based on the content you learned in your earth science classes. You will actually be going on a field trip for one day to Theodore Roosevelt National Park near Medora to learn first-hand about the geologic processes that shaped the Badlands landforms including how minerals are important in the fossilization process.

A planetary geologist will be presenting "A Spacecraft Tour of the Planets" and you will be doing activities based on this topic. You will also be participating in activities and games specifically about Mars.

The curator of meteorites at the Natural History Museum (a tribal member from the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma) will be presenting on planetary geology and Native American astronomy. He will also lead a session on Mars rovers. If possible, you might also have time to actually build your own rover using Legos.

More details on this session will be coming soon....still in the works!

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