

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Project CEDAR Coming to an End

As most of you already knew, Project CEDAR was in it's last year this past year. It was scheduled to end summer of 2015 but we got an extension for one year. We received a second extension during the summer 2016 but now that period is over. We were fortunate to get the grant extended for one extra year, and we got two, so that was a good thing.

We still have Praxis vouchers that we ordered ahead of time if you need them. Jen Heid has them available so visit with her.

Students who were supported by Project CEDAR can continue their education if they have other means of funding. The main thing that will be different is the funding Project CEDAR participants were able to receive each semester is no longer available.

Contact Jen about the Praxis vouchers and email Lisa if you have any questions about the grant.

Happy summer!