There seems to be a few questions about the email you received from Jen Heid about updating your Mac laptop.
We received this message from our campus IT Department:
Inc. has recently notified the public of a flaw in its IOS and OS-X
operating systems which previously left users vulnerable to security
breaches while browsing online. A fix has been issued for both operating
systems and can be installed through normal
Apple updating procedures. We recommend that you update all of your
Apple devices immediately or risk losing personal data such as
passwords, credit card info, social security number etc. Links on how to
update your devices have been provided below.
IOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod)
OSX (Laptops and Desktops)
Jen forwarded this message to you but said your laptop should be fine. When I was visiting with a few of you, your concerns were that you might accidentally download somethings that harms your computer. This is good to be concerned as it can happen. If in doubt about any of this, or if you want to check to make sure your laptop does not need the updates from the IT message above, please feel free to stop by and visit with Jen at her office.
Students, please note if you haven't updated your MacBook to OS Mavericks, then you should be fine. If you have, however, then you will need to be sure to download and install the latest update from Apple. If you are unsure or have questions, please come see me with your MacBook. Thanks!