

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Parking Passes for Fargo Conference

The parking passes you will need to park your car (and not have to pay) in the parking lot at NDSU (ND State University) for the Preservice Teachers Conference have arrived and are available from either Lisa Azure or Jen Heid.

The parking lot system at NDSU requires you to have a parking permit, a parking pass, pay a daily rate for parking, or drive a car that is part of the state fleet (a ND government car). None of you drive state fleet cars. (Inside joke for Alicia.)

This pass is valid for one day only - for Friday, April 4th - the day of the conference. Make sure you display it on your rear view mirror on your vehicle, on your windshield, or you will get a ticket. I have five of them so there should be enough for all drivers.

Monday, March 24, 2014

App for iPad Training on April 22 at TJES

It's some time from now but here's the latest on the iPad training that will be held at Theodore Jamerson Elementary School (TJES) on Tuesday, April 22:

Brenda Rhone, who is conducting the training, has asked that you have a Dropbox account prior to this training. We have talked about Dropbox in Ed. Tech. but for those of you NOT in Ed. Tech, you will have to create your own account.

I love Dropbox (as you know) and use it all the time. I have the desktop icon installed on my office computer here at work and my laptop at home. When I leave for the day, I drag and drop things into Dropbox and then access them when I get home. No need to carry flash drives around anymore!

Go to www.dropbox.com and create an account. I suggest putting the icon on your desktop for easy access. Of course, you can still access Dropbox from any computer that has an internet connection. But it's easier if you have the icon on your desktop - and quicker.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask Jen Heid as she is also a frequent user. You can ask me, too - of course. Play around with it a bit before the training next month so you're ready to go with the resources Brenda is going to share with you.

Let technology work for you - have fun!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Fargo Conference Information

An update on the ND ACTE (Association for Colleges of Teacher Education) conference on Friday, April 4th, that a number of you are attending:

Stacy at NDSU is going to be mailing me parking passes for you to use for that day. As you may know, parking on university campuses requires a pass. Stacy is going to mail them to my home address to make sure we get them on time. I've requested 6 of them; one for me, one for Wylee and his family, and four others. I believe that should be enough. If it's not, I'll give up mine.

I also have a map of the campus that you'll need so you know where to park AND where the conference is located. NDSU is a huge campus so it's easy to get lost. Since I am driving in that morning, you will have to figure out the route from your hotel to the location of the conference. Be sure to do this ahead of time so you're not driving around lost the morning of the conference!

You will be staying at the Homewood Suites the night of April 3rd, checking out before you leave for the conference the morning of April 4th. The Homewood Suites is located at 2021 16th Street North in Fargo - Phone (701) 235-3150. Jen Heid has your confirmation numbers for your room reservations.

I will email you the NDSU campus map. Any questions, please ask Jen. She has all of the info you need.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Updates for Your MacBook Pro Laptops

There seems to be a few questions about the email you received from Jen Heid about updating your Mac laptop.

We received this message from our campus IT Department:

Apple Inc. has recently notified the public of a flaw in its IOS and OS-X operating systems which previously left users vulnerable to security breaches while browsing online. A fix has been issued for both operating systems and can be installed through normal Apple updating procedures. We recommend that you update all of your Apple devices immediately or risk losing personal data such as passwords, credit card info, social security number etc. Links on how to update your devices have been provided below.

IOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod) http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4623
OSX (Laptops and Desktops)

Jen forwarded this message to you but said your laptop should be fine. When I was visiting with a few of you, your concerns were that you might accidentally download somethings that harms your computer. This is good to be concerned as it can happen. If in doubt about any of this, or if you want to check to make sure your laptop does not need the updates from the IT message above, please feel free to stop by and visit with Jen at her office.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mandatory Technology Trainings

All Teacher Education students are invited to attend the two technology trainings we have scheduled for the month of April.

On Tuesday, April 8th, we will have training using the Active Board, Active Inspire and Prometheum Planet. The training will start at 2 PM and conclude at 4:40 PM. You will bring your laptops to this training and also be required to have Active Inspire software installed onto your laptop prior to the training. To do this, you will need a code. I'm going to post directions for a link on how to install this software. If you have any trouble, please see Jen Heid and she will assist you.

On Tuesday, April 22nd, we will have iPad training on education apps. This training session will begin at 2 PM and conclude at 4 PM. It will be held in the RMC (Reading/Math Center) at Theodore Jamerson School. We will provide you with the iPads to use for this training.

Brenda Rhone, TJES teacher and "education tech guru" will be facilitating both of these training sessions.

Project CEDAR participants are MANDATED to attend both of these. You might wonder what will happen if you don't, but you do not want to find out! (I'm kidding.) Seriously, we look at participation in these types of things as considerations for additional student support, travel to conferences, etc. so it is worth your time. Most important, you are going to learn things that will really benefit you in future courses AND your future classroom.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Smithsonian Institutes for Summer 2014

The two Smithsonian Institutes for Summer 2014 have been scheduled and planning is under way.

June 23 - 27, 2014:
Smithsonian Institute III - Teaching English/Language Arts (ELA) with Music, Drama, and the Arts

The first one will focus on the integration of art, drama and music into the curriculum. According to Wally Mertes, the coordinator from the Smithsonian, Herman, Dovie, Russ, Karen and Oran will be returning as presenters.

Oran will lead a variety of session on using drama in the classroom. His presentations will be based on "The Tale of Despereaux". You will receive a copy of the book and some related objects as a participant.

According to Wally, some of the activities are as follows:
  • Herman will provide Social Studies content aligned with the standards that Karen will use as the basis for art activities.
  • Dovie will do storytelling and using stories and songs in the classroom, relating to specific ELA standards.
  • Butch Thunderhawk will share strategies and techniques for teaching tribal arts to elementary-aged children.
  • Russ will review foldables, some Reader's Theater and two voice poems, and more.

July 28 - August 1, 2014:
Smithsonian Institute IV - Science and Technology Integration

 A geologist well be presenting hands-on object-based activities based on the content you learned in your earth science classes. You will actually be going on a field trip for one day to Theodore Roosevelt National Park near Medora to learn first-hand about the geologic processes that shaped the Badlands landforms including how minerals are important in the fossilization process.

A planetary geologist will be presenting "A Spacecraft Tour of the Planets" and you will be doing activities based on this topic. You will also be participating in activities and games specifically about Mars.

The curator of meteorites at the Natural History Museum (a tribal member from the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma) will be presenting on planetary geology and Native American astronomy. He will also lead a session on Mars rovers. If possible, you might also have time to actually build your own rover using Legos.

More details on this session will be coming soon....still in the works!