We are now entering Year 3 of the Project CEDAR grant. Two of your peers have completed the program and are now teaching in their own classrooms. Even though at times, you will feel overwhelmed, and as if you are never going to finish, you will.
This is the toughest year you will have in your educational career EVER and the year that will determine what you are made of. You are going to be doing a ton of homework, and learning a ton of content, but you will survive. If it was easy, everybody would do it and you wouldn't be able to experience the overwhelming sense of accomplishment when you finish.
Not only will your family and community be proud of you, but you will feel an indescribable sense of accomplishment and self-satisfaction for what you were able to do. And nobody can ever take it away from you. If you have children, you will have provided a powerful role model for them. They will see somebody who struggled at times, who felt like taking the easy way out and quitting, but who pushed ahead and demonstrated that you can achieve whatever your goals may be through hard work and perseverance.
According to the wisdom of the "seventh generation prophecy", you are the generation of Tribal people who will "rise up and demand your rights and stewardship over the earth" and lead the next generation of Native people. As a teacher, you will be fulfilling this prophecy.